The KMEA All-State Bands perform each year at the annual In-Service Workshop. Students are selected via a rigorous audition process that starts at the district level. Students who perform at the district level are then eligible to audition for selection to the All-State instrumental ensembles. Thus, the All-State student musicians are truly “the best of the best.”
2024-25 All-State 1234A Band Concert
Century II Concert Hall, Wichita
Saturday, Mar. 1, 2025 – 3:00 PM
Robert Sheldon, Conductor
2024-25 All-State 56A Band Concert
Century II Concert Hall, Wichita
Saturday, Mar. 1, 2025 – 5:00 PM
Darren Lin, Conductor
KMEA Instrumental Auditions
IMPORTANT – Official registration is located in the KMEA Members site. Refer to the KMEA Instrumental Auditions page for more info.
KMEA offers two band ensembles at the state level which are based on the classifications established by the Kansas State High School Activities Association.
The 1234A Band is made up of students from 1A, 2A, 3A, and 4A class high schools.
The 56A Band is made up of students from 5A and 6A class high schools.
Fee Policy
— The Participation Fee is required for each student named to the roster.
— Students who withdraw will still incur the Participation Fee.
— Alternates who are added to the roster will be charged the regular Participation Fee.
— Schools will not be allowed to register students if they carry an outstanding balance from the previous year.
* Exceptions must be approved by the KMEA Executive Council.