Check out our Advocacy website! – KS Advo-Angle
What do businesses look for in a potential employee? – Hire Music Students … They Have Training!

FAST FACTS – KMEA Advocacy Slide Show
Check out our new KMEA Advocacy slide show titled Fast Facts. This can be used as a pre-concert advocacy display while the audience is coming in. Simply set up an internet-connected laptop and projector running the following link in a web browser on full-window display (PC computers: F11 key to toggle the display).
In school districts nationwide, music education programs are being reduced or eliminated altogether.
At the same time, we know that music education programs in schools offer a multitude of invaluable benefits for students ranging from collaboration and communication skills, creativity, self-expression, and leadership to improved academic outcomes.
Teaching music in classrooms is essential if we want to truly offer a world-class education to our students.
NAfME advocates at the national, state, and local levels to educate elected officials and other decision makers about the impact and importance of music education programs.
By working together, we are changing the national conversation about music’s role in delivering an outstanding education to all students.
For more information, visit the National Association for Music Education
Here are some quick reminders:
– Music and the arts connect subjects across the curriculum.
– Music demands excellence!
– Music education connects students and communities.
– Solutions to world problems are dependent on creative thinking and problem-solving, skills intentionally taught in music and the other arts.
The arts:
– Stimulate economic development and community infrastructure.
– Prepare students for the 21st century by teaching innovative thinking, problem solving and collaborative skills.
– Build bridges among communities and people.
– Improve quality of life in our communities by increasing civic engagement.
Something that Legislators and other people need to understand that the one thing music teaches that other subjects often don’t teach is that dependency on other people to succeed.
– Dr. Jim Henry (Crossroads Quartet, International Barbershop Quartet Champion)
You never know who is sitting in your [class]room.
– Phillip Riggs (Grammy Award Winner, Music Director NC School of Science & Math)
You all know the value proposition of what you do, but I think you’ve been so put down at times by the actions Congress has taken, the Department of Education has taken, maybe a school board member, an administrator or principal has taken to make you feel like you are not as valued or what you do for students is not as important as a standardized test. But with the passage of ESSA for the first time in American History, Congress has said, “You matter.” What you teach, what you offer to children is every bit as important as every other subject listed in Federal Law!
– Chris Woodside (Deputy Ex. Dir. NAfME, Center for Advocacy & Constituency Engagement)
Resources from NAfME
NAfME Advocacy
20 Important Benefits of Music In Our Schools
How to Advocate for Music Education (Even When You Have No Clue)
5 Ways to Support Your Music Program
Lessons Archive
ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) Resources from NAfME
NAfME – Comprehensive Analysis of ESSA
NAfME – ESSA Fact Sheet
NAfME – ESSA in Plain English: What It Means For You
Broader Minded Brochure
The Music Education Policy Roundtable (MEPR) is a public policy coalition spearheaded by the National Association for Music Education (NAfME). Consisting of 35 music education organizations and music industry associations, the Roundtable believes all students should have access to sequential, high-quality, in-school music programs.
MEPR – Fiscal Year 2018 Federal Appropriations Requests
MEPR – Encouraging Use of Technology in Music Education
Other Important Links
NAMM Foundation – Advocating for Music Education
AMC Music Advocacy
VH1 Save The Music
Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation
Music For All