
Please review all accompanying information prior to submitting clinic session proposals. Clinicians who are Kansas music educators will register for the In-Service Workshop at which they are presenting.

Each October, KMEA brings together selected members of the KMEA Advisory Board, as well as representatives from our affiliate organizations, to:

  • Review submitted clinic proposals
  • Identify proposals to be included at the In-Service Workshop
  • Schedule clinic sessions as best fits the overall schedule

The final ISW schedule is then published in mid-January after all performance and clinic times have been confirmed with each director and presenter. The KMEA President is responsible for the overall schedule of the ISW.

Clinic proposals for 2025 In-Service Workshop are now closed. Deadline for entries was October 1, 2024. Please contact the KMEA President for further questions.

Clinic Guidelines

Clinic proposals for the next In-Service Workshop may be submitted up through October 1. The form is usually opened in mid-May.

You may propose a session you have developed or suggest a clinician whom you have observed and deem appropriate for the workshop.

KMEA will not provide remuneration or reimbursement for clinicians who present at the KMEA ISW unless the invitation to present is initiated by KMEA.

KMEA will not provide remuneration or reimbursement for Kansas music educators who present clinics at the ISW.

Clinicians who are presenting on their own (ie, not specifically invited by KMEA) will register for the In-Service Workshop at which they are presenting.

Clinicians will be offered an optional opportunity to include their bio, photo, and clinic hand-out materials on the KMEA website prior to the ISW.

Questions about clinics or clinic proposals should be directed to the KMEA President.

Technical questions about using this website should be directed to the KMEA Webmaster.

Questions about clinic equipment should be directed to the KMEA Local Arrangements Manager.

Clinic Equipment

KMEA will NOT provide the following equipment:

  • Digital Projectors
  • Computers
  • Smart Boards
  • CD Players
  • Audio Equipment
  • Extension Cords
  • Orff instruments
  • Percussion instruments
  • Dry-erase/Sharpie markers

The following equipment may be available and provided. Requests must be submitted as part of the Clinic Proposal Form:

  • Speaker’s Lectern
  • Marker board (markers not provided)
  • Flip chart (markers not provided)
  • Screen with A/V cart or table (projector not provided)
  • Tables
  • Piano (Limit 1) (most likely electronic, acoustic not guaranteed)
  • Music stands (Limit 5)

KMEA does not guarantee that last-minute requests can or will be accommodated. Clinicians are expected to arrive prepared to present.

Clinicians may not reset the chairs in the clinic room, nor may they contact staff at Century II or the Hyatt to have rooms reset for them.