All-State Ensembles

All-State concerts are held at the Century II Convention Center in Wichita during the last week of February as part of the annual KMEA In-Service Workshop.

Century II Convention Center
225 W. Douglas, Wichita, KS 67202
Get driving directions

2024-25 State Group Performances

Thu. Feb. 27
5:00 PM – All-State Elementary Choir

Fri. Feb. 28
5:05 PM – KCDA Treble Honor Choir
5:35 PM – All-State Middle Level Choir

Sat. Mar. 1
10:30 AM – All-State String Orchestra & Full Orchestra
11:30 AM – All-State Treble Choir & Mixed Choir
12:00 PM – All-State Jazz Band
1:00 PM – 12A Honor Band
3:00 PM – All-State 1234A Band
5:00 PM – All-State 56A Band

Each year, students throughout the state of Kansas have the opportunity to audition to perform at District Festivals and at the KMEA In-Service Workshop. The audition process begins at their own school, progresses through their KMEA District Organization and culminates with selection to the All-State ensembles. Student musicians have the opportunity to audition to perform in choirs, concert bands, jazz bands and orchestras at both the district and state levels. For more information about the audition process within your district, please visit your District website.

For a student to participate in a KMEA All-State ensemble, the sponsoring teacher must be a member of KMEA.

Fee Policy
— The Participation Fee is required for each student named to the roster.
— Students who withdraw will still incur the Participation Fee.
— Alternates who are added to the roster will be charged the regular Participation Fee.
— Schools will not be allowed to register students if they carry an outstanding balance from the previous year.
* Exceptions must be approved by the KMEA Executive Council.