ISW Souvenirs: Recordings, Plaques, Shirts, Photos

KMEA partners with vendors which provide the following professional services for participating students, directors, and patrons of the In-Service Workshop. We encourage everyone to visit their sites and order souvenirs that you missed while at the convention.

Performance Recordings
Professional recordings for all large ensemble performance events (bands, orchestra, choirs, honor groups) are available exclusively through Shhh Audio Productions.
Shhh Audio Productions
KMEA ISW Recording Order Forms

Plaques & Shirts
Plaques and shirts for State Group performers are provided by Precision Engraving & Awards. This company also provides services for KMEA district ensembles, so be sure to get any items that you missed earlier during the district mini-conventions.
Precision Engraving & Awards

Professional photography services will be provided for Performance Groups and State Groups by Jolesch Enterprises. Ordering may be completed on-site. We’ll provide a website link for online ordering once it becomes available.