All-State Jazz Band

The KMEA All-State Jazz Band performs each year at the annual In-Service Workshop. Students are selected via a rigorous audition process that starts at the district level. Students who perform at the district level are then eligible to audition for selection to the All-State instrumental ensembles. Thus, the All-State student musicians are truly “the best of the best.”

2024-25 All-State Jazz Band Concert
Century II Mary Jane Teall Theater, Wichita
Saturday, Mar. 1, 2025 – 12:00 PM
Kevin Cerovich, Conductor

For a student to participate in a KMEA All-State ensemble, the sponsoring teacher must be a member of KMEA.

KMEA Instrumental Auditions
IMPORTANT – Official registration is located in the KMEA Members site. Refer to the KMEA Instrumental Auditions page for more info.

The stage is set… who will fill these seats?

Fee Policy
— The Participation Fee is required for each student named to the roster.
— Students who withdraw will still incur the Participation Fee.
— Alternates who are added to the roster will be charged the regular Participation Fee.
— Schools will not be allowed to register students if they carry an outstanding balance from the previous year.
* Exceptions must be approved by the KMEA Executive Council.