12A Honor Band

2024-25 12A Honor Band Concert
Century II Concert Hall, Wichita
Saturday, Mar. 1, 2025 – 1:00 PM
Shanti Simon, Conductor

The KMEA 12A Honor Band is a nominated honor band for students from 1A and 2A schools. This group is not an “All-State” ensemble as it is not an auditioned group. To be eligible, students from 1A-2A high schools must complete an audition for their KMEA district band or jazz band. Directors will submit nominations to KMEA, and the final roster will be selected from that list. Students will have an opportunity to be in a state-level festival ensemble with an outstanding clinician. The 12A Honor Band will rehearse and perform as part of the In-Service Workshop.

12A Honor Band Guidelines

General Info
Seating in the 12A Honor Band will be a merit-based process determined through nominations. There is no audition. There will be no nomination fee.
The 12A Honor Band is NOT an All-State Band. The tentative size of the group is 75-80 students.


  • Nominations will open in the KMEA Members site immediately after the posting of the All-State 1234A Band roster and will be open for 10 days.
  • The final list of participating students and alternates will be posted on the KMEA website no later than 5 days after nominations close. Music will be sent to the accepted students before the first rehearsal.
  • Schools will be charged a participation fee similar to All-State participation fees.
  • Students are required to attend all rehearsals and the performance during the KMEA ISW (refer to All-State rules for accepted excuses to rehearsals).
    Students with known conflicts should not be nominated for the 12A Honor Band.

Who May Nominate
The teacher who nominates students must be a member of NAfME/KMEA.
The teacher must be the instrumental music teacher at the high school where the student attends.
(Exceptions for this policy must be approved by the KMEA Executive Committee.
Exceptions will not be approved if the high school has an instrumental music teacher.)

Who May Be Nominated
Students may not be a member of both the 12A Honor Band and the All-State 1234A Band during a single school year.
Students must audition for a KMEA District Band to be eligible for membership in the 12A Honor Band.
If students do not earn a seat in a District Band, they will still be considered for membership in the 12A Honor Band.
Students must meet the following eligibility rules for the KMEA 12A Honor Band.

Each Student:

  1. will be in good standing according to the rules and guidelines for participation established by the KSHSAA and the resident school;
  2. must be a freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior in high school;
  3. must be enrolled in an instrumental performance area, if one exists in the school, at the time of the KMEA In-Service Workshop;
  4. must have completed an audition for a KMEA District Band.

School Responsibility

The nominating school must meet the following eligibility rules for the KMEA 12A Honor Band:

  1. will be a member of the KSHSAA or a KSHSAA Approved School and be in good standing with the organization;
  2. will be responsible for the supervision, conduct, and behavior of its students during the entire KMEA In-Service Workshop.

Fee Policy
— The Participation Fee is required for each student named to the roster.
— Students who withdraw will still incur the Participation Fee.
— Alternates who are added to the roster will be charged the regular Participation Fee.
— Schools will not be allowed to register students if they carry an outstanding balance from the previous year.
* Exceptions must be approved by the KMEA Executive Council.