Tri-M Scholarship Application 2024-25


KMEA awards one $500 scholarship to a Tri-M member who is a high school senior and who will enroll as a music education major in a four-year Kansas college or university. A student must be a member in good standing of his/her local Tri-M chapter and national Tri-M to be eligible. One scholarship will be granted from all the applications submitted. The scholarship will be presented at the KMEA In-Service Workshop. Every attempt will be made to notify the winning student in advance, however, a student does not have to be present to receive the scholarship.

Please complete and return the form below with a typed essay (250-word minimum) on your background and why you want to major in music education. Send that, along with a letter of recommendation from your school Tri-M Advisor, to the address below. The postmark deadline is February 1, 2025.

Please note: Students may apply for this scholarship and the State Festival Ensemble scholarship, but may not win both scholarships. Separate applications are required.

Complete and return the next page by the postmark deadline, February 1, 2025.

Tri-M Scholarship Application 2024-25

Return with your Essay and Tri-M Advisor Letter of Recommendation by February 1, 2025.

Mail this package by the deadline to:

KMEA Vice-President
Jamie Minneman
Barton Community College
245 NE 30 Rd
Great Bend, KS 67530
vicepresident @ksmea.org
Phone Parent's Cell Phone
High School

High School Address (City, Zip)
Tri-M Chapter Name

Chapter #
Tri-M Chapter Advisor Advisor's Cell Phone #
Instrument played (if in band or orchestra)
Voice (if in choir)